New Features in Gmail

Happy Friday,
 You may have noticed that Google has rolled out some new features in Gmail.  This is a global rollout to everyone in the world who uses Gmail.  I wanted to highlight a few of the new features.

  • Google Calendar, Google Keep and Tasks are now on the right side of your E-mail. You can now quickly access your Calendar. Just the other day I got an email about a meeting and without opening another window I just clicked on the calendar and put the meeting on the calendar.
  • Google Keep is  a great way to keep up with tasks, assign due dates to tasks, and is also collaborative. 
  • Tasklist is just an easy way to create a task and then mark it off the list

Another new feature is "Smart compose" or  predictive text - You can choose to turn this on or off. As you are typing an email it will automatically predict words and you can press the tab button to insert this word. If you do not like this feature you can turn it on or off.

There are a few others that I will cover later but if you would like to learn more you can check out this  article

Take Care,


  1. Love the Smart Compose feature! Thanks for keeping us Google-informed!

  2. Thanks Clint. I couldn't deal with the Google mail new rollout Monday, but I chose "classic" view. This makes me rethink trying it. Currently I keep my mail on one screen and my calendar on the other, but I like the idea of the union.

  3. Thanks for sharing the best information and suggestions, I love your content, and they are very nice and very useful to us.

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