
Showing posts from December, 2015

New Features in Google Classroom: I Triple Dog Dare You To Check It Out

Happy Friday and Happy Holidays, This will be the last Friday Tech Tip of 2015. Congratulations on making it through the first semester. Last week I blogged about Star Wars Text. Alicia Coughlin at Coile used this for a  Digital Opener. You can check it out HERE . Great job Alicia! As we start the new year Google Classroom has launched a few new features that you may be interested in. You can find out more on their blog HERE. Below is a run down on the new features from the Google For Education Blog : Export Grades to Google Sheets : In addition to .csv files, you can now export your grades directly to Google Sheets. The Sheets template includes a class average and an average per student Easier to update grade point scale : We know not all assignments are out of 100 points. You've always been able to change the point value, but a lot of teachers had trouble finding this feature. So we’ve made it easier to change the grading scale to any number you need it to be.  ...

Digital Opener or Closer Ideas

I am not going to lie I'm a huge Star Wars Fan. Next weekend cannot get here soon enough to be reunited with my 1980s buddies Han Solo and Luke Skywalker.  My goal from ages 6-12 was to make the Kessle run in under 12 parcecs That's my level of Star Wars Geekiness.      Your students may be excited as well (maybe not) but  has a great tool where students can insert text  to make  the Star Wars opening title complete with theme music!  Students can go back and edit the scripts at a later time. This might be a good activating or closing strategy in your classroom. If you have questions about how to use this let me know.Have a great weekend! Take Care, Clint And if you ever wondered how you can make the Kessle Run in under 12 parcecs

More New Features in Read and Write for Google

Happy Friday! This week Google Read and Write has announced some  new features that may be beneficial to you and your students. ScreenReader - Students can highlight text in a google slide OR webpage and the screen reader will read aloud ONLY what is in the box. Previously, it would read until you pressed stop (See directions below Speech Input is now integrated with Google Voice Typing Spanish has been added as a language tool.  It’s still in Beta, but it’s an option to try out. Steve Piazza has put together the following tutorial (see below). Please let me know if you have questions. Google Read and Write is a tool that all students in Clarke County can access. Please let me know if you have questions. Take Care, Clint Read&Write for Google just added three new features: 1. Screenshot Reader (highlight text on a webpage and it reads the words aloud). In the above clip, where you see the moving highlight, the text is being read aloud. To get ...