Starting the Year with a Professional Learning Network
Happy Friday! How do you grow professionally? Read books? Talk to colleagues? Build and improve upon others ideas? You can do all of this at your own pace using Twitter. By now you probably know about twitter. It's in the news a good bit. But, it's also a great way to build a PLN (Professional Learning Network) Educators from across the globe are using Twitter to share their ideas. For me personally, this has been a great way to interact with Tech leaders across the world. Twitter is a professional learning network where you read and share ideas. Twitter is not a place to post pictures of your beach trip. It is one of the leading ways that Teachers are giving and receiving Professional Learning. Twitter is a little different than other social media sites because tweets can only be 280 (Recently it changed from 140 characters.) Many people use twitter to share their experiences in the classroom, share links to educational blogs ...