Welcome Back!

Happy Friday,

I hope that you all had a good beginning of the school year!  If you are new to the Elbert County School District then Welcome!  This the Friday Tech Tip and you will receive this email on, (you guessed it) this Friday.

This is the first year that all of our students in grades K-12 have a Google account. This means that all of our students can log into chromebooks and have access to unlimited storage. Your building technicians have really worked hard over the summer getting Chromebooks up and going this school year. K-4 students will log into chromebooks using a QR code (more on that later) but all students now have a tab in campus with their username and password. If you have a student who does not know or remember their username or password then you can go to campus click on the ST email tab

and there you will see the students username, email address and password

One of the greatest things in the EdTech world that happened over the summer is that FlipGrid is FREE for everyone.  Flipgrid is a great tool to give students voice.  Students can record themselves responding to a question, talking about a book they just read, creating a topic. . . The list is endless.  It's also a great way to connect your class with the world. Maybe your class is about to kick off a unit on Penguins (ok, I'm making this up because I know it is going to be in the 90s this weekend and my fam is going to be outside a good part of it). With the new access to Flipgrid there is a feature called "Grid Pals" that helps you connect with other classrooms. Maybe now your class and another class around the world can discuss Penguins.

I have created a Grid for you to try out if you would like. Click HERE  and record  or view what you are excited about this school year. I've opened it up to get others around the world to talk about what they are excited about this school year.

If you have questions about this or anything else please contact me clint.winter@elbert.k12.ga.us

Have a great weekend,


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