Using YOUTUBE in the Classroom
Happy Friday and almost Happy Halloween! As part of having a ECSD Google Account you also have access to creating your own YouTube Channel. If you go to and click sign in and sign in with your ECSD account you can create a channel. (Click on the picture below to see this) Why would you do this? One of the many benefits is that you can create your own playlists. For example, now that conferences are over I may have shared a few youtube video tutorials with my students' parents to help them with their math practice at home. Now, I can say, "Check out my Youtube Channel of categorized playlists.Example, Here is the Unit 2 playlist you can go back and reference" It's all in one place and you can add and edit. Also, a benefit of having things on YouTube is that you can get YouTube on just about anything. Smartphones, Televisions, gaming systems. etc. . . Also, if you have access to devices, you could pair it with a service like Edpuzzle and hav