
Showing posts from April, 2018

End of the Year Technology Opportunites

Happy Friday! I wanted to highlight 5 things that you may want to consider to do with your students as the year closes out Create a Class Flipgrid Board for your students to give advice for students who will enter your class in the Fall!  This could be beneficial for both your students now and your students of the future. Your students can reflect and grow collaboratively. Have students create a Google Site that highlights their best work that they have done throughout the year.  This could even be something that they could share with their family and future teachers.  All of our students have access to create a Google Site with their school Google account. Here is a video that describes the process of creating a Google Site. Students can collaboratively create and share Google Slides or Google Docs together to highlight some of their successes and challenges during the year. Same idea as above but you could also give students the opportunity to c...

End of the year Technology Tips and Opportunities

Happy Friday! Congrats to our Middle and Elementary School students and teachers as they wind up testing.  As we start to move into the final stretch there are several things that I would encourage you to start thinking about as we move to the end of the year. If you haven't already start moving your documents from the P: Drive to Google Drive - Remember that by doing this you will be able to access your documents outside of the school building. If you have questions please talk to your Building Technician or myself. When you finish using Google Classroom for the year Archive your classes. This will not delete Student work or your work or assignments. This will remove the Google Classroom from your start page. You can still reuse assignments next year from this year. Myself or our Technicians can help you with this. If you are leaving us you can  take your Google Drive Files with you -- There are two ways that you can take your Google Drive Files with you. 1)...

You can Drive!

In the Elbert County School District we are now moving more and more towards being  integrated with  the Google Suite for Education. We are starting to maximize our use of Google Drive. We hope to be fully integrated with Drive by the end of June. There are many benefits of using Google Drive.   Among them You can access your files from anywhere! You don't have to be at the school to access your files. Also, you can get your files on any device. Color code your folders -  You can choose lots of different colors to organize your files Auto Saves UNLIMITED STORAGE -  You can store any and everything in Google Drive no matter the file type. You can safe .pdf,                                                                                    ...