End of the year Technology Tips and Opportunities

Happy Friday!
Congrats to our Middle and Elementary School students and teachers as they wind up testing.  As we start to move into the final stretch there are several things that I would encourage you to start thinking about as we move to the end of the year.

If you haven't already start moving your documents from the P: Drive to Google Drive - Remember that by doing this you will be able to access your documents outside of the school building. If you have questions please talk to your Building Technician or myself.

When you finish using Google Classroom for the year Archive your classes. This will not delete Student work or your work or assignments. This will remove the Google Classroom from your start page. You can still reuse assignments next year from this year. Myself or our Technicians can help you with this.

If you are leaving us you can  take your Google Drive Files with you -- There are two ways that you can take your Google Drive Files with you. 1) Use Google Takeout - This will download all of your files into a zip drive that you can export and take with you 2) Create a personal Gmail account and put all of your files in a folder and share that folder with your personal Gmail account.

FREE Summer PD Opportunity -  The GEORGIA RESAs are offering a free summer online student  inquiry course called Seek and Find. There is more information here.  Carrie Siegmund our NEGA RESA Instructional Technology Director is helping with this and if you have questions you can contact her at carrie.siegmund@negaresa.org

Please let me know if you have any more questions clint.winter@elbert.k12.ga.us (706)567 0702


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