
Showing posts from January, 2018

5 Ways to utilize Google Calendar

Happy Friday! I have had several questions since our migration over from Outlook to Google Calendar on how to use Google Calendar. Here are some of my favorite things about Google Calendar. 1. Click on any empty space  to make an event - Click anywhere in the calendar to make the event. I usually click on the time when I want the event to happen and then Name the event Customize  the time of the event if I need to Add guests if I want it to appear on their Calendar or invite them to a meeting 2.  Change the view of the calendar -   You can change the view of the calendar to be a default look every time that you open up your calendar. It can show day, 4 day, week, month, year. You can also choose whether to show  a week day view or a view with weekends included.   3.  Google Hangout -  Anytime you create a new event you can choose to include a link for a Google Hangout. I think that this is a great featur...

New and Improved Instructional Technology Site

Happy Friday! I hope that you all have had a great week.  This week I have been working on updating the Elbert County Instructional Technology Site .  You can easily access the site by going to Everything that could possibly be about technology in the district will be housed on this site.  This site has tutorials for our Google Suite of Education, Information about Performance Matters, and all materials from any Technology Training that is completed in the district.  Also, I am very excited about a new feature. The Digital Tools Page.  When you click on the Digital Tools Page there will be lots  of digital tools and resources. There will be everything from links to great Edtech Blogs to free resources for our students.  Each tool will have a picture, a brief description, and a link to that tool.  You can also filter these tools! Lets say that in your Professional Learning Team you all decide that you want your students to create so...

New Years Resolution: Trying Something New

Happy Friday! It has been a great few days back here at work. On Friday I was fortunate enough to participate with the High School Faculty when they did a Google Hangout with John Spencer the author of the book Empower.    John said something that I hope to make my mantra this Semester. "Just pick one new thing to try this year in your classroom and get really good at it."  Many of you are already doing this! Wether it is trying Google Classroom in the secondary classes, or doing your Professional Learning Team in a Google+ community. For me, it is going to be reading and learning and teaching about Project Based Learning.  I have heard great things about  and I really want to check that out.     If you are not sure of something new to learn OR you have learned something new and you are really passionate and want to share it then consider joining me at EdCamp Georgia.   Edcamp Georgia is FREE Professional D...