New Years Resolution: Trying Something New

Happy Friday!

It has been a great few days back here at work. On Friday I was fortunate enough to participate with the High School Faculty when they did a Google Hangout with John Spencer the author of the book Empower.    John said something that I hope to make my mantra this Semester. "Just pick one new thing to try this year in your classroom and get really good at it."  Many of you are already doing this! Wether it is trying Google Classroom in the secondary classes, or doing your Professional Learning Team in a Google+ community. For me, it is going to be reading and learning and teaching about Project Based Learning.  I have heard great things about and I really want to check that out.
    If you are not sure of something new to learn OR you have learned something new and you are really passionate and want to share it then consider joining me at EdCamp Georgia.   Edcamp Georgia is FREE Professional Development for Educators by Educators from all over North East Georgia. The event will be at UGA at the Miller Learning Center on Saturday March 3rd from 8:00 -12:00. 
 I've been fortunate enough to attend a couple of Edcamps and have learned so much.  Edcamps are "unconferences"  meaning that the agenda is set that morning.  You may want to come in and say "Hey, I want to lead a session on Project Based Learning"  then you sign up for a slot to present. Maybe you don't want to present but want to just attend. Once you are there you can pick and choose what sessions you go to.  Anyhow, if you are interested please sign up at Registration is free. Please let me know if you have questions.

Take Care,


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