
Showing posts from September, 2015

Google Classroom Extensions

Happy Friday! I wanted to share with you 2 chrome extensions that can be benificial with Google Classroom. You might be asking yourself "What is an Extension?" Extensions are small software programs that can modify and enhance your Chrome browser.  You Can find these extensions in the Google Chrome Store.  Students can also access the Chrome Store but they are only allowed to install extensions that are whitelisted for Clarke County School District. There are 2 extensions that can be beneficial for those of you using Google Classroom.      Share to Classroom is an extension where you can push out websites in real time to students in your classroom. For example, you have created a quiz using  Google Form and you are ready for your students to take the quiz. You would click on the "share to classroom" extension pick your class and send out the link and it would automatically open up a tab with the link to all of your students if they are logged into class...

55 Tips for Google in the Classroom

Happy Friday everybody!  This is not a long blog post but I think it is a pretty good one.  Google for Education has created a really nice interactive graphic on how students can take ownership of their Google Apps account.  Here is a picture of the webpage. Students and teachers can click on each box to get more information about the particular Google App.  There is everything on here from learing how to organize your Drive to finding resources to code your own program. You can find this webpage HERE (Click on the Blue uppercase  Here). Thanks and let me know if you have questions.  Have a great Weekend!

Read and Write for Google (How to use this tool to differentiate)

Read and Write for Google is a program that ALL students in the Clarke County School District have access to. Read and Write is a program that allows students to Heat text read aloud with dual color highlighting Have words explained with text and picture dictionaries and translated  into other languages   Get suggestions for the current or next word as you type with Word Predictions ( Now can be used on Google Forms! ) Highlight and collect text; build vocabulary lists Simplify and summarize text on web pages Annotations, including typewriter tool Leave and Receive voice comments on Google Documents (New Feature!!) Teachers, if you would like to experiment with Read and Write for Google you can download a version for free HERE .    Students with Chromebooks automatically have Read and Write for Google installed. For students with Windows Devices they will need to sign into Chrome and "Accept" the Read and Wr...

Expanding your Professional Learning Network

Happy Friday everyone. . . . . . I know everyone is looking forward to the 3 day weekend. I hope everyone enjoys getting a chance to do what they love and rest  from your Labors.        I also like Labor Day because that means that I've made it through almost one whole month of school. If this is your first year teaching,  Congrats. You made it through August. That was easy right? 1 down 9 to go.        Now that you may be settling in more of a routine it might be a good time to start creating a Professional Learning Network.   Teachers can  benefit from creating their own Professional Learning Network or (PLN) Google it. . . . . One of the ways that I stay current is through my Professional Learning Network on Twitter. Twitter is free and you get real-time Professional Development and ideas.  There are LOTS of great ideas and speakers on Twitter. One of my favorites is @richardbyrne . He incorporat...