Read and Write for Google (How to use this tool to differentiate)
Read and Write for Google is a program that ALL students in the Clarke County School District have access to. Read and Write is a program that allows students to

- Heat text read aloud with dual color highlighting
- Have words explained with text and picture dictionaries and translated into other languages
- Get suggestions for the current or next word as you type with Word Predictions (Now can be used on Google Forms!)
- Highlight and collect text; build vocabulary lists
- Simplify and summarize text on web pages
- Annotations, including typewriter tool
- Leave and Receive voice comments on Google Documents (New Feature!!)
Teachers, if you would like to experiment with Read and Write for Google you can download a version for free HERE.
Students with Chromebooks automatically have Read and Write for Google installed. For students with Windows Devices they will need to sign into Chrome and "Accept" the Read and Write for Google accept screen. Once signed in they will have access to Read and Write for Google
HERE are some Read and Write Tutorials from the company. Read and Write is a powerful way to differentiate for our students. If you have questions please let me know. You can e-mail me at
Have a Happy Weekend,
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