The Spring Break Edition: Getting more out of Google Docs

Happy Friday and Happy almost Spring Break. I hope that you have a great week next week.  This week I wanted to focus on a few things within Google Docs that may make your life much easier.

Google Docs -  Did you know that there are already made Google Docs templates for you or your students to use? These are templates for Google Docs, Google Spreadsheet, and Google slides.    The easiest way to access these is to just type in,  or into the address bar. (You will have to be signed into your CCSD account) and there you and your students can choose Templates for Reports, newsletter, essays, etc. . .  Because these are Google Docs that means that they are also collaborative Documents

Also Google has added an "Explore" icon in these products as well. Explore is a new way to interact with your documents. For instance, in Google Slides it will recommend templates for you to use based on the text and pictures. In Spreadsheet it can calculate formulas for you.  Or in docs the explore icon can easily cite sources among other things.

Look for the explore icon on the right side of Google Spreadsheets and Google Slides.

Finally, a very underused function of Google Sheets are notifications rules.  For example, maybe you have sent out a form seeking volunteers but you may not know when the last time someone filled out the form.  If you go to the spreadsheet (Where all the responses are collected) Go to the Tools Menu at the top and click on notifications you can set on a notification to get an email when someone submits the form. You can choose to get these emails right away or in a daily notification.  

Here is to a great rest of your afternoon and a Happy Spring Break

Take Care,


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