Explore Feature in Google Suite

Google Docs, Slides, and Spreadsheets  all now  include an "Explore" feature. You may have noticed this if you open up one of these documents and see this icon at the bottom of your sheet.

When you click on this icon there are several things that both you and students will be able to do. Below are some examples. 

Google Docs -  When there is text in a Google Document and then you press the Explore option there will be a search generated on the text of the Google Document. Students will be able to research and also have access to photographs based on that text. 

Google Slides -  When you press the explore feature Google Suite will recommend different formatting and slide types for your presentation. This really helps to make high quality Slide decks.

Google Sheets -  If you have a Google Sheet that is populated with data  then the explore feature will allow  you to ask questions about your data. For example, "What is the average of column B"  it will calculate this for you without having to insert formulas!   

If you have questions about any of these features please let me know or find more information HERE

Have a great weekend and I hope to see you either at the CCSD Maker Fair or the Exciteedu Conference

Take Care,


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