New Features with Google Forms

Happy Friday!

Google Forms is a great tool to be able to get instant feedback.  Many teachers here in Elbert Co. have used forms for Formative and Summative Assessments.  We also use it to create surveys, create signups. I love it because it can make a quiz go to the next level. You can insert videos, pictures, graphs, equations, etc. . . into Google Forms. 
   This week Google has announced some new updates to Google Forms that will make creating forms even easier. These will be rolling out in the coming weeks

1 - Answer Suggestions -  It will give you answer choices as you create multiple choice questions! How crazy is that?    So if I create a multiple choice question  for example "What are the parts of a cell?" It will auto populate multiple choices based on your questions. You choose the correct answer.

2 - Grade Grid responses -  One of the options when you create an item in Google Forms you have the ability to create "choose from a grid" now you can choose to grade that item

3. Decimal Grades -  When you create a quiz you can now give partial credit for a question

4. Video Answer Feedback -  When you create a quiz students can receive instant feedback right after they take the quiz!  So, let's say that I get an answer wrong then I can easily see a video tutorial of the question that I missed. 

These will be rolling out in the near future

If you have questions please let me know.

Take Care,


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