Extension Addons and Q

Happy Friday and Happy Read across America Day!

This past week in our Google Level 2 Certification Course we talked about Google Add On and Extensions.  This caused me to go back and start thinking about my favorite Extensions and Add-ons. To review from previous posts Extensions are programs that are added to your chrome browser and work in Google Chrome. For example, Push to Classroom is an Extension that is pushed out to all chromebooks in the District. This is an easy way for teachers to push out websites to students. Here are 2 other  Extensions that you might want to consider.

Screencastify - This is a real easy way to record your screen and your voice. You can push these screencasts to Youtube or Google Drive. A great way for students to explain something or a way for you to provide instruction and students and parents can view it On demand

Save to Google Drive - This is a great way to save things that you have found on the internet. Found a picture you like? Just click on the Save to Google Drive Icon and it will automatically save to your Drive.

Draftback - See the complete history of a Google Document without using the revision History.

Add Ons - Addons are available to Google Docs, Google Slides, or Google Spreadsheets. To get an Addon just click on the "Add On" button at the top of all Doc,Slides, or Spreadsheets.  A couple of my favorite Addons

Extensis Fonts  -  Lots and Lots of different Fonts for you and your students to use while using Google Docs

EasyBib - Quickly creates citations for research papers.

Here is a Youtube Playlist of tutorials for these tools

Finally, it was so great seeing everyone at the Schools for Read Across America Day. A big shout out to Michelle Scarborough and Kathy Wood for inviting and coordinating.   One of the highlights of my week was  watching our ECSD Technology Department Q Robinson read to 2nd 3rd and 4th Graders. I was able to record the highlights. This is also posted on Blueway On Display along with lots of other great videos from our District.

Have a Great Weekend,


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