Teaching with YouTube

Happy Friday!
I know you are asking yourself what are some stats about Youtube?

A recent  study  from Emarkater states the following. . .
"Roughly 1.58 billion individuals will watch YouTube at least once a month in 2018, representing two-thirds of digital video viewers. The share of digital video viewers watching the platform reaches nearly 90% if one excludes the population in China, where YouTube is blocked by the government." 

Youtube is powerful.. Youtube is the 2nd most used site in the United State after Google.com.  How many of you reading this have figured out how to fix something or learn something  thanks to Youtube?  Last weekend my family went camping and I watched this video a few times before setting up our new tent. We were star gazing and my daughter asked me which stars were were and I said I had to "get up for a minute" and pulled this up (so much for being unplugged) and could do a better job pointing out constellations. . . Thanks to the Indiana Department of  Natural Resources.  Last year I made a video tutorial for a few of you of using an Extension called YouTube floater where you can move a YouTube video onto a Google Doc or other webpage.  I have no idea how or why but the video has been viewed  48,000 times and I get messages every couple of months from people  in Greece who can't get it to work.  (My bad Greece). I guess my point is that when we put our  (our being educators, students etc..)knowledge , expertise, and stories on Youtube our audience changes from our 4 walls in our classroom to a Global audience.

YouTube is lots of things but what I want to focus on this week is how we can use it for Education.   In the Elbert County School District our students view Youtube through Restricted mode This means that we use a filter from Google that filters out unwanted content.  On top of that we have internet filters that help block out inappropriate videos. One of the things that we learned about in our Google Certification class this week is searching Youtube using Filters.  When you search on Youtube if you click on Filters you can narrow your search!  Maybe you are looking for high definition 4K videos.  Maybe you want to view 360 Videos (like the one below) that lets students view a video from many different angles.  In 360 videos by clicking on the  arrows in the top of the video you can rotate the video and view from which ever angle you want to.  You can also embed Youtube videos into Google Slides, Google Sites, and many other platforms. If you do this (For example, embed in Google Slides, you skip the ads!. Or you can track who watches the videos by embedding in a Google Form!)

Check out these 2 examples of 360 videos that I found using  the Youtube Filters.  Think about how this could be used in your classroom. Could this be a story starter? Introduction to a unit? An anchor for our students who may not have much prior knowledge on a subject? Tutorial for parents?

If you have questions please let me know
Take Care,


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