Google Chrome Extensions and Swivl

Happy Friday everyone!

Last week Bruce Stuart and I were fortunate to be able to attend the GAETC Conference. This is a time where Tech Leaders  from across the state are able to come and learn about new technologies, and programs. I came across some tools that I thought would be beneficial to you.

I learned a good bit about Google Chrome Extensions.  Extensions are like apps in the Google Chrome browser. As a tech department, we often push out extensions for testing, security, etc. . . You and your students can also go to the chrome store and browse extensions and install them yourself. Once installed they are there until you take them off.  I would like to showcase a couple of extensions that we have pushed out and and then a couple that you may want to check out and see if it is something that you want to use. If your students are using chromebooks then the district ones below will automatically show up. For you, on your teacher laptop, you just have to login to your chrome browser with your Elbert County Google login and they should show up

Share  to Classroom -  This extension has already been pushed to all chromebooks in the district. If you have a website and you want to push it out to all students in your classroom Then try the Share to Classroom. With a push of the button the website will appear Automatically to all the students in your Google Classroom.  (See video below)

Adblock for Youtube -  This has been pushed out to all devices and can also be used in Google Chrome. This will block Youtube Ads from playing  at the beginning or end of all Youtube Videos!

The following Extensions are NOT pushed out to devices but you and your students can easily go to the ChromeStore and add them. Just click on the links on this blog and you can add them

OneTab -  .When I start the day I do not have that many tabs open. When I end the day I have a good gazillion tabs open. This helps me keep organized and I think will help students stay organized as well.
Whenever you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab icon to convert all of your tabs into a list. When you need to access the tabs again, you can either restore them individually or all at once. When your tabs are in the OneTab list, you will save up to 95% of memory because you will have reduced the number of tabs open in Google Chrome

Floating for YouTube -   This will "unpin a Youtube Video" it will make the Youtube video play in a smaller box that the student can move around.  I think that this would be an excellent way for students to be able to take notes on a Youtube Video. See the video below

Finally, I wanted you to be aware that we have Swivl cameras in the district.  With a Swivil, you can hook up a smart device in a doc and you wear a small indicator around your neck. The smart device will "follow"you. Meaning that it is always tracking the indicator that you are wearing. This will be a great way to record lessons for students who may need to see them again or were absent.  Below is a tutorial on Swivl.

Thanks so much for reading and I hope that you have a GREAT  Thanksgiving Break. As always, if you have questions or would like to setup an appointment to talk about any of these tools. Please call or email 

Take Care,


  1. The Chrome extensions are so helpful! I have a menu of them that I use regularly including Site Launcher, Share on Twitter, TooManyTabs (instead of One Tab), Countdown, Bookmarks, Shareaholic, Click to Subscribe, Instapaper, Save to Pocket, and Tab Scissors.

    I hope to see some use of our Swivls soon (myself included).

    Thanks for all the great ideas!


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